Pricing FAQ
The Power User for dbt extension is developed and maintained by Altimate AI. We are a software company based in the San Francisco Bay Area, and have many large enterprise companies as customers.
Info about pricing plans is available on the Pricing page
1. Are you going to charge for current free features in the "power user for dbt" extension?
No. We have no plans to convert previously available free features into paid features. Newly developed features may be released with a credit quota for the free community plan. Please check the pricing page for more details.
2. What exactly is credit for the feature?
You can find the definition of credit for different features in the table below.
Feature | Definition of credit |
Docs Generation | Each generated description = 1 credit. For bulk generation, 3 generated descriptions = 1 credit. If you bulk generate descriptions for more than 300 columns, only first 100 credits are counted |
Column Lineage | Each column lineage generation = 1 credit. Once the lineage for a particular column in a model is generated, no additional credits are counted for that particular column lineage unless VSCode is restarted |
Query Explanation | Each query explanation= 1 credit, Follow-up question = 1 credit |
Model Generation | Each dbt model generation = 2 credits |
Model Updates | Each model change generation = 1 credit |
Tests Generation | Each test generation = 1 credit. No credit count for adding default tests without code generation. |
Defer to Prod | Each dbt command executed with defer flag (saas mode) = 1 credit |
Query Translation | Each query translation = 3 credits |
Project Governance | Each scan = 5 credits. Same project scan is not counted again unless VSCode is restarted. |
Collaboration | One share = 5 credits. It doesn't matter how many comments are added, only first time share operation is counted. |
SQL Visualizer | Each DAG Generation = 1 credit. No additional credits are counted for creating that particular DAB unless VSCode is restarted |
AI agent in UI | Each agent execution = 1 credit |
Features that are not listed here, have unlimited free usage. Their usage is not counted towards the no. of credits
3. What is considered an upgrade or downgrade of the subscription?
Upgrade or downgrade of the subscription is determined based on the price of the subscription plan. If the price of the original subscription plan is higher than the price of the newer subscription plan, it's considered a downgrade. If the price of the original subscription plan is lower than the price of the new subscription plan, it's considered an upgrade.
4. What happens during an upgrade of the subscription?
As soon as you upgrade the subscription, changes will be made to your instance for the new subscription. You will be charged the difference between a new subscription price and the prorated current subscription price based on the no. of credits remaining.
5. What happens during a downgrade of the subscription?
Your current subscription will be downgraded at the end of the current billing cycle. There is no refund when you downgrade your subscription, as the subscription is downgraded at the end of the billing cycle.
6. What happens if I change from a yearly subscription to a monthly subscription?
If the price of the monthly subscription is lower than the yearly subscription, it's considered a downgrade. So, the change in the subscription will be made only after the current billing period is over.
If you would like to make an immediate change to your subscription, make the change at a yearly plan level. It will be considered an upgrade and will be effective immediately.
If you can't find your question here, please contact us via Slack.