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Install the extension

There are a few different ways in which extension can be installed. You can install it natively or in a dev container.

Install the extension natively

You can install the extension from VSCode directly or from the marketplace

Here's how to install the extension in VSCode

Need to setup environment variables? Refer to this section

If you are seeing the message "Reload required", please reload the VSCode or restart the VSCode.

Install the extension in a dev container (or in codespaces)

You need to do the below steps only if you need to setup the extension in a devcontainer (or GitHub Codespaces)

Please add the following configuration in to your devcontainer.json file:

"customizations": {
        "vscode": {
                "files.associations": {
                    "*.yaml": "jinja-yaml",
                    "*.yml": "jinja-yaml",
                    "*.sql": "jinja-sql",
                    "*.md": "jinja-md"
            "extensions": [

Please do NOT forget to do required configuration and optional configuraton!!